Saturday, September 19, 2009

the dream begins

Wow this is great! I am set up in my apartment in Thailand! What a huge change from the grey skies and recession feelings of London to hot blue skies of Southeast Asia. It is raining here a lot now as well. Since it is the middle of the rain season here we can have torrential rain, like right at the moment I am writing this, but it is also hot and sunny during the same day! I found a nice team of people that helped me with my move. Check them out at They were very nice and went above and beyond in helping me find the right rental flat for the moment and I plan to use them to buy a condo once I am more settled and sorted out here. I met an amazing Thai girl here my first night and she has been keeping me company always during my transition. I will try to post some nice pictures of her next time. It is a little difficult to adjust to the heat! When it is sunny the temperature is above 30 degrees Centigrade at the moment which is quite different from anywhere in England now. Every time I visited here before I never fully adjusted. I did notice feeling the damp more when I went back home for a couple days, but was never quite adjusted to how much I sweat even just sitting watching the television here without air conditioning. I am planning on playing poker tonight on this new site I found. A friend I met here told me the games were quite easy to beat. I will let you know next time. Click through on the link if you want to join me for some games.